Sam Levy

Oil Painting From Life   2019-2024                 Click to scroll <-   ->

Click to Zoom:::: Scroll <- ->

    1. Standing Woman 70” x 50”, Oil on Canvas 2016

    2. Series of Days from Fall to Spring, each 18” x 24”, oil on canvas, 2021
        I of IV, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas, 2021
        II of IV, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas, 2020
        III of IV, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas, 2020
        IV of IV, Homer’s sky, 18” x 24”, oil on canvas, 2021

    3. Mirrors, 53.5” x 84”, oil on canvas, 2018
    4. Innocents,
    5. Winter Sketch 2021
    6. Sacred & Profane, after Titian, 16” x 20”, oil on canvas 2021
    7. Ajax, 70” x 62”, oil on canvas, 2021
A selection of drawings, 2021-2024.                    Click to scroll <-->

San Juan Mountains                                 Watercolor, Pen & Ink, Pencil ^^^click to scroll <- ->

︎︎︎︎︎︎Large Charcoal Drawings
Click to Scroll <- ->

1. Double Figure
    64” x 47”
    Charcoal on paper

2. Seated Figure I
    76” x 54”
    Charcoal on paper

3. Standing Figure
    Charcoal on Paper

4. Seated Figure II
    Charcoal on Paper

5. Large Standing Tree
    87.5” x 50”
    Charcoal on paper

6. Seated Figure III
    Charcoal on Paper

7. Seated Figure IV
    Charcoal on Paper

8. Seated Figure IV detail

9. January Figure
    63” x 43”
    Charcoal on Paper